Friday, June 26, 2009


YEAH!!!! It's my 100th post and I'm having a GIVEAWAY!!! I am giving away 2 charm packs created by my quilt store and two 1/2 yard cuts of Nature's Chorus by April Cornell.

You will have 3 chances to enter your name and I will draw the name out of a hat on July 13th. Here are the different ways you can enter...

1. Join my blog as a follower (if you already are, that counts!)

2. Post about my giveaway on your blog

3. Leave me a comment and let me know the name of your favorite quilt pattern. Be sure to let me know in your comment what you have done so I know how many times your name should be entered.



Unknown said...

oh my, I'm first...1 never wins. haha......I love those fabrics and am a follower.

lesthook said...

Love the fabrics! I am already a follower.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My favorite quilt pattern is Cosmati II from Bella Bella Quilts. I am a follower. Congratulations on 100 posts!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

fav all time?... who knows... but these days i'm into bags and hexagon shapes! and i'm a follower!! congrats on getting to 100!

Julia said...

Love the fabrics! I am already a follower.

Congratulations on 100 posts!

Leslie said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm already a follower, I love the Dresdan Plate pattern but will probably never take that much time to make it and I posted about your giveaway on my blog! Thanks for the opportunity!

Kelly Ann said...

Hi Lisa...I do follow your blog and I have too many quilt patterns to call any one my favorite but I'll give you by top two, Log Cabin and Flying Geese. I will be twittering about your give away...
I love the fabric on your giveaway one of the girls in my bee loves peachy/orange fabric and I would love to use this to make her a little sumpin'sumpin' for her birthday.

Terry said...

Those fabrics are beautiful! I love the colors and have absolutely nothing like them! I have several quilts I want to make, but I think top of the list would be a log cabin. And I'm already a follower! Congratulations on your 100th post! :0)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lisa on reaching 100 posts. It won't be long and you'll be celebrating 200. I follow you through my google reader, not sure if that counts. Hmm favorite pattern, not sure if I really have one, it depends what mood I'm in. My current favorite is Aussie Railroad Crossing, which I have on my bed. Very pretty fabrics.

Robin said...

I love those fabrics! I am a follower and I would like to make a log cabin quilt...just haven't gotten around to it yet!

rebecs said...

love your work! and I am looving the whirly gigggles!

Anonymous said...

I just joined to follow!! My favorite pattern is catherdral windows. Congrats on your 100th post!!!

Rebecca P said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.
April Cornell has such yummy fabric.
My favorite block, at least right now is Dresden Plate. Perhaps because that is what I am working on right now. I'm already a follower & love reading your blog.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Barb said...

Hi Lisa
I am a follower and I got to you by way of Christine--she is my quilting buddy in CT! I luv those fabrics--I luv April Cornell! I am playing with all different names for my new blog--will let you know! Congratulations on 100--wow! Keep it up--luv your blog!

Janet said...

Congrats on your 100th post! My favorite pattern right now is the baby quilt I just finished using Wild Things by Thimbleblossoms.
I'm now a follower! Hope I win :)

Mel said...

Love your prizes!!
OK, I'm a follower and I'm posting about your blog/giveaway tomorrow.
My favorite quilt pattern at the moment is anything applique!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 100! Love your fabbies and would love to be entered in your giveaway :o) I LOVE quilt patterns... actually I am quite obsessed with collecting them... but I think my very favorite is Quilter's Journey by Leanne's House. I am now a follower of your blog :o)

anne said...

Congrats on your 100th post. I love patterns with sqaures and rectangles such as Disappearing 9 patch. Happy Stitching

Bec said...

I blogged aboutyour giveaway Lisa, and am just about to join as a follower! April Cornell fabrics are just so beautiful!

Betty in Ky said...

I'm not an official follower, but, I read your blog every day. I love jellyroll and charm square patterns. And I love anything April Cornell.

Susan Cahill said...

I have happily joined as a follower after coming over from the Oh Sew Busy blog. Glad I came to visit!

My favorite pattern is Grandmother's Flower Garden. I love hand piecing and 30's repos so I hav emade several of these quilts.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Mary Grace McNamara said...

What lovely fabric! I'm a follower and I added your giveaway to my sidebar...does that count?

I'm not really sure what my favorite quilt pattern is. Every time I see something new, I love it! But if I had to pick something, I'm sure it would be a simple design like log cabin or another of the simpler designs. I'm not a very complicated person!

Thanks for the chance at this beautiful prize and congrats on hitting #100.


Priscilla said...

Congrats on 100 posts!!
I am a follower, please enter me to win those lovely fabrics.

Della said...

As always, you have picked beautiful fabric. Congrats on your 100 post my friend. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on you 100th post, I am a Follower and am leaving this comments, thank you entering me in your draw.
I am enjoying your bloh.


Micki said...

Congrats on your 1ooth post and thanks for the giveaway. I just became a follower and have posted on my blog about it. I really enjoyed your blog.

Christine said...

Congratulations on 100 posts. Love the fabrics you are giving away ... thanks for the chance to win. My favourite pattern at the moment is An Angel Story by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched. I have just become a follower.

Unknown said...

The colours are fabulous. I found you by visiting Micki and am adding you to my favs list. great blog.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi there...what a lovely giveaway!!! I have become a follower and put you on my blog with a link back to you!!!

Jocelyn said...

Hi there Lisa. I have just signed up as a follower! Wooo-hooo great giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

My favorite quilt pattern is a rail and square. It's great for beginners, but also makes up for a quick gift. Love the fabric for your giveaway!

Trisha said...

I heard about your blog from Mel and came to say hi! I added you to my google reader and look forward to reading your blog. I love your whirlygig quilt!

Anonymous said...

I love those fabrics! Please enter me in the giveaway. I am a follower now...wonder why I never joined before! Love the background on your page! My favorite block is Hole In The Barn Door.

Becky said...

Congrats on 100 posts! My favorite quilt pattern is called Strawberry Pie by Silver Thimble Quilt Company. Take care!

free indeed said...

My favorite pattern? Log much can be made with them...

~Laurie~ said...

Hi Lisa!
I've become a follower :)

quiltmom anna said...

HI Lisa,
Congratulations on your 100th post- I am not sure that I have a favorite pattern- I have a few patterns that I love- Ricky Timms convergence quilts, the many forms of log cabin quilts and almost any bargello pattern.
I will add you name to my blog list- it is nice to meet you.
I live in Western Canada and have come to your blog via Micki's blog.

Dawn said...

Hi!! Mel sent me over. I'm a followr now. And as my fav pattern...hummm...lately I've been working with Heather Mulder Peterson's books.

Bev C said...

Some beautiful fabrics. I have added your picture about the giveaway to my sidebar. Good luck and happy days.

Debby said...

What a beautyfull fabrics! I hope i will win.

Greetings from Debby,
the Netherlands

Tracey said...

Please enter me for your 100th post, a while back i had a 100th post but sadly my blog went wrong so i have to start all over again, my old blog was flowerpebble some may of know me, as im still learning quilting i dont really have a best pattern just love them all,

im now a follower of your blog.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful. I just love the fabrics.

My favorite is triple irish chain.


Loralynn said...

I am now a follower!

Loralynn said...

Right now my favorite pattern is anything that incorporates appliqued flowers!! Congrats on you 100th!

Allison said...

Yahoo! I love giveaways. :) I'm a follower in google, too. I don't know what my fav pattern is of all time, but I do love the pint sized baby quilt pattern by Camille Roskelly. (sp?) Thanks! -Allison

miss~nance said...

OH What beautiful fabrics. I would LOVE to be included. I have become a follower and have blogged about your giveaway at

miss~nance said...

I forgot to mention that Log cabin is my all time favourite quilt block.


Ellen said...

Congrats on your 100th post. Love the fabrics, would sure like to own them. I am new to patchwork. I am sure which is my favourite quilt patterns, I love everything I have seen so far.


Quiltin' Sandy said...

rying to work out how to get a blog going(:
I found out about your giveaway from Miss Nance's blog;
I would love to win those fabulous fabrics. My fav pattern is Ohio Star, pieced, and Rose of Sharon, appliqued.
my email addie is
bye for now. sandy in Australia.

Nova said...

I like large patchwork patterns that can be used to showcase fabrics.

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

I follow you through bloglines, but I added myself through blogger too.

What a gorgeous give away! I will post about it on my blog...not sure if I have a favorite quilt pattern though, although I really love folk art type of quilts. My favorite quilt block is log cabin though, and you can make a lot of awesome quilts with those! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty fabrics and congrats on your blogging! I'm following and posted it on my sidebar too. Gosh, favorite pattern...too many but I'd have to say heart skips a beat to see log cabins.

Kerry said...

What beautiful fabrics! And congratulations on your 100th post. Hmm...favourite pattern. Is it possible to pick just one? But I do love the way patterns magically appear when you do a log cabin or disappearing nine patch.

Ruth said...

My favorite pattern is log cabin. I just joined as a follower of your blog. Please add me to the draw! It looks great!

Mariel said...

I am a follower and my favorite block right now it the dresden plate. Congrats on your 100th post!

BlessedCP said...

My favorite pattern is Yellow Brick Road. I found it so easy to use!
I also like to just piece together squares or rectangles to "make" my own fabric for embellishing, pillows, bags and totes.
I have also become a follower through Google Friends and I posted about you giveaway on my blog.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Sheila said...

Congratulations, Lisa! I love hexagon shapes and all the different looks they create. My favorite quilt pattern is probably Gretchen, and it's on my bucket list for this year.

Betsy said...

Lisa my favorite pattern is cathedral windows. This fabric you are giving away would look lovely in the windows. I signed up to ba a follower.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your milestone of 100 posts. I'm now a follower as your blog is so interesting. I love Aprils fabric designs. My favorite Pattern to date is "House Calls by The Teachers Pet. Actually have a quilt made with this pattern in a April Cornell's fabric line. Yum Yum Fabric.

Carol R. said...

Wow! I love the patriotic theme to your blog! Great giveaway.

Carol R. said...

I just signed up to be a blog follower.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. My favorite pattern is Carpenter's Star by the Calico Carriage.
Sew long,

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower!

Barb said...

I just became a follower and I would venture to say that anything appliqued is my vague??? Sun Bonnet Sue, Thanks for this giveaway.

Shelina said...

Lovely fabric. My favorite pattern is one that looks harder than it is, so I'll pick Crossed Canoes, which is like a kaleidoscope, with fewer spokes.

Anonymous said...

What lovely fabrics...thanks for the chance to win them. I think log cabin is my favorite...always go back to next project is a liberated log cabin...we shall see how that goes!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Puddles of Grace said...

Lets see... I am a follower, I have posted a blog and link to your give away and I love any pattern with stars! Congrats on your 100th post! That's awesome!

Sara said...

I'm a fairly new follower and I love these fabrics. Keep up the terrific blogging.

Wendy said...

Congrats to your 100th. I love those yummy fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity.

Holly said...

Congrats on your 100th post. My favorite pattern is yellow brick road also know as disappearing nine patch. It is so easy and looks so beautiful.

Kim Reid said...

Please add me to your fabulous giveaway - added myself as a follower - Thanks!

Diva Kreszl said...

I stumbled across your site quite by accident and am now a follower...I have only been quilting since last fall so it's still very new to me but I love it! I have always drawn and painted but recently found my way to fabric, so many beautiful colors and patterns!

arlette said...

Hola Lisa!, I'm your follower and I bloged about you on my blog, go there and take a look if you want. I'd like to win one of the prizes, lol. Happy quilting!

Debbie said...

Congats on your 100th post. I am not so good at making big quilts but I have done a lot of smaller things. I love fabric and would like to be in the draw. Thanks.

Stephanie D said...

Nice giveaway, and congratulations on your 100th post!

Not sure what my favorite pattern is, but I do love half square triangles and flying geese--they are so versatile!

Josefien said...

Great give-away, nice fabrics! I've put your blog in my favourites-list, so I'm going to be a follower.
The quiltblock I really love is Dutch Rose.
Marjo Vos

simple country living! said...

Hi! I just became one of your followers & I'd just love to win those charms! Thank you for entering my name in your giveaway!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Great giveaway! I love the star patterns best - 8 point, four point, lone star, whatever!

Jessica Christensen said...

I don't have a specific pattern favorite, but my favorite block is the sawtooth star or a sawtooth within a sawtooth. I love to make star quilts period.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and thinks it is great. Congratulations on your 100 posts. I hope its not to late to have my name entered in the drawing, love the fabrics.